[MD] Rest In Peace RMP
X Acto
2017-04-24 23:52:35 UTC

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David Harding
2017-04-25 01:38:20 UTC
Sad news. Thanks for sharing Ron.

Here’s RMP on the death experience and the The Dharmakaya light:

"He thought it was probably the light that infants see when their world is still fresh and whole, before consciousness differentiates it into patterns; a light into which everything fades at death. Accounts of people who have had a 'near death experience' have referred to this 'white light' as something very beautiful and compelling from which they didn't want to return. The light would occur during the breakup of the static patterns of the person’s intellect as it returned into the pure Dynamic Quality from which it had emerged in infancy."
Post by X Acto
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2017-04-26 13:19:14 UTC
Hi All

Many of you will have heard by now that Robert Pirsig passed away on
Monday 24th April 2017.
My apologies for not posting sooner.
If you wish to leave any thoughts about Mr Pirsig then please feel free
to post here.

My own thoughts are that I am proud to have helped, even in a small way,
to get Pirsig's message out to the world.
I know that he used to read our discussions on these lists and was
pleased that there were so many people involved over the years.
Robert Pirsig made a difference to our world and made it a better world
with his work and his presence.
I will miss him greatly.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
— Bob Moorehead

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Adrie Kintziger
2017-04-26 18:48:11 UTC
greetings all, ...long time no see.-

Mr Pirsig has died, but the monument created by him,"Zen and ",will stand
his ground forever.An incredible work of art. He also created "Lila".Lesser
enjoyable,more difficult, but filosophical science is just that;a lesson-;
not a playground for fools.

I did an incredible amount of research on the field of genealogy, concerning
my own surname.I found were they all live wordwide.For the American part of
my journey i had the help of some Americans that had the skills to search
the records on Ellis Island, and the archives of the states seperately,
the records were moved to Ellis.I also had the help of someone from Sceaux,
in France, who is a professor in history.
But the biggest help came from a man that lives in South Berwick and had
acces to the census records of America.This man was a real wizard to find
people.....so , i admit, i could not resist.
Very strange to find out that Mr Pirsig also lived in South Berwick.

After some time i got the complete story.He is/was not a recluse.
The Pirsig did very well in their community,and he did not shun daylight.
He lived in a very beautiful environment full of snow in wintertime,nice
with mighty trees, and a lot of space around his house.
The direct environment has lots of stunning waterbody's, waterfalls, salmons
and borders New Hampshire in the midlle of the river.I think his boat was
hidden on this river for quite some time.
He was extremely interested for the native/indian's history around New
England.Probably His wife, Wendy, had something to do with that.

I will miss him,forever, but his books and story's will accompany me to
the end of my days.
If one of the trusted sources here, like Horse, Arlo ,Dan, or David Buchanan
likes to write a letter of condoleances to Mrs Pirsig,drop me a mail to
ask for the adress,
i will provide it for this occasion only, and only for these people
privately and
not to display on the forum.

Given what he wrote about the reincarnation of Chris......in the additions
of later versions of his work i think its fair to state that he will meet
Chris again
finally.They will level out now.

Post by Horse
Hi All
Many of you will have heard by now that Robert Pirsig passed away on
Monday 24th April 2017.
My apologies for not posting sooner.
If you wish to leave any thoughts about Mr Pirsig then please feel free to
post here.
My own thoughts are that I am proud to have helped, even in a small way,
to get Pirsig's message out to the world.
I know that he used to read our discussions on these lists and was pleased
that there were so many people involved over the years.
Robert Pirsig made a difference to our world and made it a better world
with his work and his presence.
I will miss him greatly.
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments
that take our breath away."
— Bob Moorehead
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Jan Anders Andersson
2017-04-27 05:41:04 UTC
Mr Pirsig has passed but I hope this forum will live on. May he and his memory rest in peace.

There is hope.
On tuesday, the same day that I read about the sad news I attended a lecture by the mayor of one of our country’s finest university.
It was about Quality.
He said, ”Everyone here in this room, know about quality but no one can tell exactly what it is”.
He has also installed a small museum of art at the university.
Later he pointed how measure system and numbers always fail at the end when you try to complete the forms.
Numbers as quality are quite seductive at the board and in the news but we shall never stop trusting the power of words, dialogue and common agreements.
He pointed at the work of the Swedish royal academy. The members at that board are not using numbers and measures or polls to find out the next winner of the Nobel prize. They are meeting nearly every thursday of the year and talk and talk to each other until they finally find an agreement.

Keep on with the good talk friends

Jan-Anders Andersson
Post by Adrie Kintziger
greetings all, ...long time no see.-
Mr Pirsig has died, but the monument created by him,"Zen and ",will stand
his ground forever.An incredible work of art. He also created "Lila".Lesser
enjoyable,more difficult, but filosophical science is just that;a lesson-;
not a playground for fools.
I did an incredible amount of research on the field of genealogy, concerning
my own surname.I found were they all live wordwide.For the American part of
my journey i had the help of some Americans that had the skills to search
the records on Ellis Island, and the archives of the states seperately,
the records were moved to Ellis.I also had the help of someone from Sceaux,
in France, who is a professor in history.
But the biggest help came from a man that lives in South Berwick and had
acces to the census records of America.This man was a real wizard to find
people.....so , i admit, i could not resist.
Very strange to find out that Mr Pirsig also lived in South Berwick.
After some time i got the complete story.He is/was not a recluse.
The Pirsig did very well in their community,and he did not shun daylight.
He lived in a very beautiful environment full of snow in wintertime,nice
with mighty trees, and a lot of space around his house.
The direct environment has lots of stunning waterbody's, waterfalls, salmons
and borders New Hampshire in the midlle of the river.I think his boat was
hidden on this river for quite some time.
He was extremely interested for the native/indian's history around New
England.Probably His wife, Wendy, had something to do with that.
I will miss him,forever, but his books and story's will accompany me to
the end of my days.
If one of the trusted sources here, like Horse, Arlo ,Dan, or David Buchanan
likes to write a letter of condoleances to Mrs Pirsig,drop me a mail to
ask for the adress,
i will provide it for this occasion only, and only for these people
privately and
not to display on the forum.
Given what he wrote about the reincarnation of Chris......in the additions
of later versions of his work i think its fair to state that he will meet
Chris again
finally.They will level out now.
Post by Horse
Hi All
Many of you will have heard by now that Robert Pirsig passed away on
Monday 24th April 2017.
My apologies for not posting sooner.
If you wish to leave any thoughts about Mr Pirsig then please feel free to
post here.
My own thoughts are that I am proud to have helped, even in a small way,
to get Pirsig's message out to the world.
I know that he used to read our discussions on these lists and was pleased
that there were so many people involved over the years.
Robert Pirsig made a difference to our world and made it a better world
with his work and his presence.
I will miss him greatly.
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments
that take our breath away."
— Bob Moorehead
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Dan Glover
2017-04-27 07:29:43 UTC
I'm thinking how in 1974 I found this book with a funny title clinging
to one of those metal racks they used to store books on. You know. The
kind that you could spin around to see all of the titles available. Do
they still have them? Maybe they do. I hope so. I haven't been in a
bookstore for like the next thing to forever what with Amazon and all.
If I remember right I found the book in a grocery store by the
checkout aisle. A store that closed a long long time ago. That was
back before they had Walmarts and box stores on every corner and you'd
go down to the local neighborhood grocery and buy your milk and bread
and sometimes a book or two if you had enough money. I think it cost a
buck ninety five but can't remember for sure. Thereabouts, anyhow. It
was by an author I'd never heard of before and yeah I thought I could
well be wasting my money but the book called to me.

I spent the next week maybe two reading the book mostly while sitting
at a picnic table that sorely needed paint down at the park (under
majestic oak trees that would be uprooted the following year when an
F-5 tornado plowed through) over numerous bottles of cheap but
exceedingly potent wine and to say I was taken aback is a bit of a
misnomer. I'd up till that time read lots of books by many different
writers but absolutely none like that. The author seemed to be saying
something important but I couldn't quite say exactly what. Hell. I'd
never been to college. Never even finished high school. I had no way
of relating to what the author was going on about what with Aristotle
and Chautauquas and dripping faucets and yet I understood on some
visceral level that hey maybe there might just be more to life than
hanging out in bars and partying until the moon said goodnight and
consorting with others of low repute like me.

I'd like to say the book completely changed my life. How I mended my
wayward ways, quit drinking and partying, went back to school, and
made something of myself. Only I didn't. It didn't. The book. Someone
saw it sitting on my shelf one day and asked to borrow it and I said
here knowing I'd never get it back and how they wouldn't read it
because they thought it was about motorcycle maintenance and I knew it
wasn't. Instead, the years drifted by each one moving a little faster
than the last like maybe I was falling head first into an unseen black
hole and me getting stretched out a little more with every passing
moment and then one day I noticed whenever I started into reading the
obituaries, a morbid habit I do not recommend, about my old friends
one by one and how they ended their lives in pretty much the same
ignominious fashion. The obits always read how they lived their life
on their own terms and how they died doing what they loved. I wondered
if they really loved drowning in their own vomit all that much. I sort
of doubted it but hey. Who knows.

Then I wake up one morning with some biker-looking chick I never saw
before lying in bed beside me and I'm fairly sure if I lift the covers
and look she'll be naked because yep I am and there're empty gin and
whiskey and beer bottles strewn about the house interspersed with
cheap but potent and exceedingly empty wine bottles and me hung over
like a mofo as usual, head pounding stomach queasy eyes like
sandpaper, and it is 1995 and I'm forty-something instead of
twenty-something and when I stumble to the bathroom to puke and happen
to glance into the mirror to make sure I don't have any on me my beard
is no longer a crisp black but rapidly turning white and the same with
my hair. Just like that. It was like I blinked. And the people I used
to know are gone and I'm still living the same lame life only all the
people hanging in the bars are like my kids' age and I just don't fit
in any longer. So then the internet is just beginning to happen. Since
there isn't much else to do I get a provider and play around with the
web some but nothing really appeals all that much. Until a couple
years later when someone I meet in a chatroom suggests how I might
like the Lila Squad.

What is the Lila Squad? I asked. Just check it out, he said. Well,
okay. So I did. And lo. They're discussing a book called Lila written
by the same author I read way back in 1974. I didn't realize he'd
written a second novel. So I bought it. Mass-market paperback. One of
my first purchases on Amazon but not the last. O.M.G. I was hooked all
over again. Only those folks in the Lila Squad, well, they were like,
smart. Not anything like me. All I knew how to do was talk smack. But
that didn't stop me. I finished reading Lila and jumped into the fray.
Some of the Lila Squad members were downright mean to me. You could
even say rude. Not that I could blame them what with them being all
college-educated and intelligent and doubtlessly used to going around
looking and smelling and speaking lots better than I did. Most of the
members ignored me. Again. Not that I could blame them. I mean,
really. But a few were actually nice to me. Like they might even think
I had something to say, though I pretty much figured they were simply
placating me. Still. It was something to hang my battered hat upon.

So if I remember right, things started getting better after that. Oh,
not all at once. There were still the blackouts and mornings when I'd
wake and whenever I looked my car wouldn't be in the driveway and I'd
have no idea how I got home and my wallet would be empty and these
strange babes would be lying in bed next to me but those mornings
seemed to draw out with more days between them than before. And then a
miracle happened. Honestly. It's the only way I can describe it.
Bodvar Skutvik wrote to say how Robert Pirsig had discovered the book
that Bo insisted I put together which I named Lila's Child and how he
was making notes on it. I was pretty sure Bo was having me on. Only he
swore how he wasn't. All of a sudden, a realization came over me. How
I might be able to put together a real book. Me. A low-life no count
loser. So I asked Bo if he'd ask Robert Pirsig if he might want to
share those notes. You know. With me. And Bo said oh no. No way, dude.
Ain't gonna happen. Absolutely not. But next thing I know. Bo is
writing me saying how okay whenever you finish redoing the Lila's
Child manuscript (which I realized sadly needed doing) to send a copy
to Robert Pirsig and he'd take a look.

All of a sudden, I had a purpose. Thank you, Robert Pirsig.
Post by Horse
Hi All
Many of you will have heard by now that Robert Pirsig passed away on Monday
24th April 2017.
My apologies for not posting sooner.
If you wish to leave any thoughts about Mr Pirsig then please feel free to
post here.
My own thoughts are that I am proud to have helped, even in a small way, to
get Pirsig's message out to the world.
I know that he used to read our discussions on these lists and was pleased
that there were so many people involved over the years.
Robert Pirsig made a difference to our world and made it a better world with
his work and his presence.
I will miss him greatly.
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments
that take our breath away."
— Bob Moorehead
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David Harding
2017-04-27 12:18:24 UTC
Great words Dan!
Post by Dan Glover
I'm thinking how in 1974 I found this book with a funny title clinging
to one of those metal racks they used to store books on. You know. The
kind that you could spin around to see all of the titles available. Do
they still have them? Maybe they do. I hope so. I haven't been in a
bookstore for like the next thing to forever what with Amazon and all.
If I remember right I found the book in a grocery store by the
checkout aisle. A store that closed a long long time ago. That was
back before they had Walmarts and box stores on every corner and you'd
go down to the local neighborhood grocery and buy your milk and bread
and sometimes a book or two if you had enough money. I think it cost a
buck ninety five but can't remember for sure. Thereabouts, anyhow. It
was by an author I'd never heard of before and yeah I thought I could
well be wasting my money but the book called to me.
I spent the next week maybe two reading the book mostly while sitting
at a picnic table that sorely needed paint down at the park (under
majestic oak trees that would be uprooted the following year when an
F-5 tornado plowed through) over numerous bottles of cheap but
exceedingly potent wine and to say I was taken aback is a bit of a
misnomer. I'd up till that time read lots of books by many different
writers but absolutely none like that. The author seemed to be saying
something important but I couldn't quite say exactly what. Hell. I'd
never been to college. Never even finished high school. I had no way
of relating to what the author was going on about what with Aristotle
and Chautauquas and dripping faucets and yet I understood on some
visceral level that hey maybe there might just be more to life than
hanging out in bars and partying until the moon said goodnight and
consorting with others of low repute like me.
I'd like to say the book completely changed my life. How I mended my
wayward ways, quit drinking and partying, went back to school, and
made something of myself. Only I didn't. It didn't. The book. Someone
saw it sitting on my shelf one day and asked to borrow it and I said
here knowing I'd never get it back and how they wouldn't read it
because they thought it was about motorcycle maintenance and I knew it
wasn't. Instead, the years drifted by each one moving a little faster
than the last like maybe I was falling head first into an unseen black
hole and me getting stretched out a little more with every passing
moment and then one day I noticed whenever I started into reading the
obituaries, a morbid habit I do not recommend, about my old friends
one by one and how they ended their lives in pretty much the same
ignominious fashion. The obits always read how they lived their life
on their own terms and how they died doing what they loved. I wondered
if they really loved drowning in their own vomit all that much. I sort
of doubted it but hey. Who knows.
Then I wake up one morning with some biker-looking chick I never saw
before lying in bed beside me and I'm fairly sure if I lift the covers
and look she'll be naked because yep I am and there're empty gin and
whiskey and beer bottles strewn about the house interspersed with
cheap but potent and exceedingly empty wine bottles and me hung over
like a mofo as usual, head pounding stomach queasy eyes like
sandpaper, and it is 1995 and I'm forty-something instead of
twenty-something and when I stumble to the bathroom to puke and happen
to glance into the mirror to make sure I don't have any on me my beard
is no longer a crisp black but rapidly turning white and the same with
my hair. Just like that. It was like I blinked. And the people I used
to know are gone and I'm still living the same lame life only all the
people hanging in the bars are like my kids' age and I just don't fit
in any longer. So then the internet is just beginning to happen. Since
there isn't much else to do I get a provider and play around with the
web some but nothing really appeals all that much. Until a couple
years later when someone I meet in a chatroom suggests how I might
like the Lila Squad.
What is the Lila Squad? I asked. Just check it out, he said. Well,
okay. So I did. And lo. They're discussing a book called Lila written
by the same author I read way back in 1974. I didn't realize he'd
written a second novel. So I bought it. Mass-market paperback. One of
my first purchases on Amazon but not the last. O.M.G. I was hooked all
over again. Only those folks in the Lila Squad, well, they were like,
smart. Not anything like me. All I knew how to do was talk smack. But
that didn't stop me. I finished reading Lila and jumped into the fray.
Some of the Lila Squad members were downright mean to me. You could
even say rude. Not that I could blame them what with them being all
college-educated and intelligent and doubtlessly used to going around
looking and smelling and speaking lots better than I did. Most of the
members ignored me. Again. Not that I could blame them. I mean,
really. But a few were actually nice to me. Like they might even think
I had something to say, though I pretty much figured they were simply
placating me. Still. It was something to hang my battered hat upon.
So if I remember right, things started getting better after that. Oh,
not all at once. There were still the blackouts and mornings when I'd
wake and whenever I looked my car wouldn't be in the driveway and I'd
have no idea how I got home and my wallet would be empty and these
strange babes would be lying in bed next to me but those mornings
seemed to draw out with more days between them than before. And then a
miracle happened. Honestly. It's the only way I can describe it.
Bodvar Skutvik wrote to say how Robert Pirsig had discovered the book
that Bo insisted I put together which I named Lila's Child and how he
was making notes on it. I was pretty sure Bo was having me on. Only he
swore how he wasn't. All of a sudden, a realization came over me. How
I might be able to put together a real book. Me. A low-life no count
loser. So I asked Bo if he'd ask Robert Pirsig if he might want to
share those notes. You know. With me. And Bo said oh no. No way, dude.
Ain't gonna happen. Absolutely not. But next thing I know. Bo is
writing me saying how okay whenever you finish redoing the Lila's
Child manuscript (which I realized sadly needed doing) to send a copy
to Robert Pirsig and he'd take a look.
All of a sudden, I had a purpose. Thank you, Robert Pirsig.
Post by Horse
Hi All
Many of you will have heard by now that Robert Pirsig passed away on Monday
24th April 2017.
My apologies for not posting sooner.
If you wish to leave any thoughts about Mr Pirsig then please feel free to
post here.
My own thoughts are that I am proud to have helped, even in a small way, to
get Pirsig's message out to the world.
I know that he used to read our discussions on these lists and was pleased
that there were so many people involved over the years.
Robert Pirsig made a difference to our world and made it a better world with
his work and his presence.
I will miss him greatly.
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments
that take our breath away."
— Bob Moorehead
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Adrie Kintziger
2017-04-27 14:00:20 UTC
Great words indeed , Dan,and it matters to write them.
And you did a great job to write and compile Lila's child.It is an
important addition.It is a privilege to have worked with Mr Pirsig himself,
even via multiple rounds of mails.Probably the amount of work to plough
along the archives was not to be underestimated.Equally important was the
not to change Pirsig toughts.You kept it intact along the path.
Very nice to hear that it induced you to become an author yourself.

Post by Dan Glover
I'm thinking how in 1974 I found this book with a funny title clinging
to one of those metal racks they used to store books on. You know. The
kind that you could spin around to see all of the titles available. Do
they still have them? Maybe they do. I hope so. I haven't been in a
bookstore for like the next thing to forever what with Amazon and all.
If I remember right I found the book in a grocery store by the
checkout aisle. A store that closed a long long time ago. That was
back before they had Walmarts and box stores on every corner and you'd
go down to the local neighborhood grocery and buy your milk and bread
and sometimes a book or two if you had enough money. I think it cost a
buck ninety five but can't remember for sure. Thereabouts, anyhow. It
was by an author I'd never heard of before and yeah I thought I could
well be wasting my money but the book called to me.
I spent the next week maybe two reading the book mostly while sitting
at a picnic table that sorely needed paint down at the park (under
majestic oak trees that would be uprooted the following year when an
F-5 tornado plowed through) over numerous bottles of cheap but
exceedingly potent wine and to say I was taken aback is a bit of a
misnomer. I'd up till that time read lots of books by many different
writers but absolutely none like that. The author seemed to be saying
something important but I couldn't quite say exactly what. Hell. I'd
never been to college. Never even finished high school. I had no way
of relating to what the author was going on about what with Aristotle
and Chautauquas and dripping faucets and yet I understood on some
visceral level that hey maybe there might just be more to life than
hanging out in bars and partying until the moon said goodnight and
consorting with others of low repute like me.
I'd like to say the book completely changed my life. How I mended my
wayward ways, quit drinking and partying, went back to school, and
made something of myself. Only I didn't. It didn't. The book. Someone
saw it sitting on my shelf one day and asked to borrow it and I said
here knowing I'd never get it back and how they wouldn't read it
because they thought it was about motorcycle maintenance and I knew it
wasn't. Instead, the years drifted by each one moving a little faster
than the last like maybe I was falling head first into an unseen black
hole and me getting stretched out a little more with every passing
moment and then one day I noticed whenever I started into reading the
obituaries, a morbid habit I do not recommend, about my old friends
one by one and how they ended their lives in pretty much the same
ignominious fashion. The obits always read how they lived their life
on their own terms and how they died doing what they loved. I wondered
if they really loved drowning in their own vomit all that much. I sort
of doubted it but hey. Who knows.
Then I wake up one morning with some biker-looking chick I never saw
before lying in bed beside me and I'm fairly sure if I lift the covers
and look she'll be naked because yep I am and there're empty gin and
whiskey and beer bottles strewn about the house interspersed with
cheap but potent and exceedingly empty wine bottles and me hung over
like a mofo as usual, head pounding stomach queasy eyes like
sandpaper, and it is 1995 and I'm forty-something instead of
twenty-something and when I stumble to the bathroom to puke and happen
to glance into the mirror to make sure I don't have any on me my beard
is no longer a crisp black but rapidly turning white and the same with
my hair. Just like that. It was like I blinked. And the people I used
to know are gone and I'm still living the same lame life only all the
people hanging in the bars are like my kids' age and I just don't fit
in any longer. So then the internet is just beginning to happen. Since
there isn't much else to do I get a provider and play around with the
web some but nothing really appeals all that much. Until a couple
years later when someone I meet in a chatroom suggests how I might
like the Lila Squad.
What is the Lila Squad? I asked. Just check it out, he said. Well,
okay. So I did. And lo. They're discussing a book called Lila written
by the same author I read way back in 1974. I didn't realize he'd
written a second novel. So I bought it. Mass-market paperback. One of
my first purchases on Amazon but not the last. O.M.G. I was hooked all
over again. Only those folks in the Lila Squad, well, they were like,
smart. Not anything like me. All I knew how to do was talk smack. But
that didn't stop me. I finished reading Lila and jumped into the fray.
Some of the Lila Squad members were downright mean to me. You could
even say rude. Not that I could blame them what with them being all
college-educated and intelligent and doubtlessly used to going around
looking and smelling and speaking lots better than I did. Most of the
members ignored me. Again. Not that I could blame them. I mean,
really. But a few were actually nice to me. Like they might even think
I had something to say, though I pretty much figured they were simply
placating me. Still. It was something to hang my battered hat upon.
So if I remember right, things started getting better after that. Oh,
not all at once. There were still the blackouts and mornings when I'd
wake and whenever I looked my car wouldn't be in the driveway and I'd
have no idea how I got home and my wallet would be empty and these
strange babes would be lying in bed next to me but those mornings
seemed to draw out with more days between them than before. And then a
miracle happened. Honestly. It's the only way I can describe it.
Bodvar Skutvik wrote to say how Robert Pirsig had discovered the book
that Bo insisted I put together which I named Lila's Child and how he
was making notes on it. I was pretty sure Bo was having me on. Only he
swore how he wasn't. All of a sudden, a realization came over me. How
I might be able to put together a real book. Me. A low-life no count
loser. So I asked Bo if he'd ask Robert Pirsig if he might want to
share those notes. You know. With me. And Bo said oh no. No way, dude.
Ain't gonna happen. Absolutely not. But next thing I know. Bo is
writing me saying how okay whenever you finish redoing the Lila's
Child manuscript (which I realized sadly needed doing) to send a copy
to Robert Pirsig and he'd take a look.
All of a sudden, I had a purpose. Thank you, Robert Pirsig.
Post by Horse
Hi All
Many of you will have heard by now that Robert Pirsig passed away on
Post by Horse
24th April 2017.
My apologies for not posting sooner.
If you wish to leave any thoughts about Mr Pirsig then please feel free
Post by Horse
post here.
My own thoughts are that I am proud to have helped, even in a small way,
Post by Horse
get Pirsig's message out to the world.
I know that he used to read our discussions on these lists and was
Post by Horse
that there were so many people involved over the years.
Robert Pirsig made a difference to our world and made it a better world
Post by Horse
his work and his presence.
I will miss him greatly.
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the
Post by Horse
that take our breath away."
— Bob Moorehead
Moq_Discuss mailing list
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Francisco Albano
2017-04-28 13:35:23 UTC
Rest in peace RMP. You have helped me/us consider life and static patterns of value/quality/worth, according to the standard of experienceable Dynamic Quality. Ad altiora, you urge us, for greater service to our brothers and sisters. . . .
 "El Senor te bendiga y te guarde;
el Senor te mire con agrado y te extienda su amor;
el Senor te muestre su favor y te conceda la paz."
                                          (Numeros 6:24-26)

On Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:00 PM, Adrie Kintziger <***@gmail.com> wrote:

Great words indeed , Dan,and it matters to write them.
And you did a great job to write and compile Lila's child.It is an
important addition.It is a privilege to have worked with Mr Pirsig himself,
even via multiple rounds of mails.Probably the amount of work to plough
along the archives was not to be underestimated.Equally important was the
not to change Pirsig toughts.You kept it intact along the path.
Very nice to hear that it induced you to become an author yourself.

Post by Dan Glover
I'm thinking how in 1974 I found this book with a funny title clinging
to one of those metal racks they used to store books on. You know. The
kind that you could spin around to see all of the titles available. Do
they still have them? Maybe they do. I hope so. I haven't been in a
bookstore for like the next thing to forever what with Amazon and all.
If I remember right I found the book in a grocery store by the
checkout aisle. A store that closed a long long time ago. That was
back before they had Walmarts and box stores on every corner and you'd
go down to the local neighborhood grocery and buy your milk and bread
and sometimes a book or two if you had enough money. I think it cost a
buck ninety five but can't remember for sure. Thereabouts, anyhow. It
was by an author I'd never heard of before and yeah I thought I could
well be wasting my money but the book called to me.
I spent the next week maybe two reading the book mostly while sitting
at a picnic table that sorely needed paint down at the park (under
majestic oak trees that would be uprooted the following year when an
F-5 tornado plowed through) over numerous bottles of cheap but
exceedingly potent wine and to say I was taken aback is a bit of a
misnomer. I'd up till that time read lots of books by many different
writers but absolutely none like that. The author seemed to be saying
something important but I couldn't quite say exactly what. Hell. I'd
never been to college. Never even finished high school. I had no way
of relating to what the author was going on about what with Aristotle
and Chautauquas and dripping faucets and yet I understood on some
visceral level that hey maybe there might just be more to life than
hanging out in bars and partying until the moon said goodnight and
consorting with others of low repute like me.
I'd like to say the book completely changed my life. How I mended my
wayward ways, quit drinking and partying, went back to school, and
made something of myself. Only I didn't. It didn't. The book. Someone
saw it sitting on my shelf one day and asked to borrow it and I said
here knowing I'd never get it back and how they wouldn't read it
because they thought it was about motorcycle maintenance and I knew it
wasn't. Instead, the years drifted by each one moving a little faster
than the last like maybe I was falling head first into an unseen black
hole  and me getting stretched out a little more with every passing
moment and then one day I noticed whenever I started into reading the
obituaries, a morbid habit I do not recommend, about my old friends
one by one and how they ended their lives in pretty much the same
ignominious fashion. The obits always read how they lived their life
on their own terms and how they died doing what they loved. I wondered
if they really loved drowning in their own vomit all that much. I sort
of doubted it but hey. Who knows.
Then I wake up one morning with some biker-looking chick I never saw
before lying in bed beside me and I'm fairly sure if I lift the covers
and look she'll be naked because yep I am and there're empty gin and
whiskey and beer bottles strewn about the house interspersed with
cheap but potent and exceedingly empty wine bottles and me hung over
like a mofo as usual, head pounding stomach queasy eyes like
sandpaper, and it is 1995 and I'm forty-something instead of
twenty-something and when I stumble to the bathroom to puke and happen
to glance into the mirror to make sure I don't have any on me my beard
is no longer a crisp black but rapidly turning white and the same with
my hair. Just like that. It was like I blinked. And the people I used
to know are gone and I'm still living the same lame life only all the
people hanging in the bars are like my kids' age and I just don't fit
in any longer. So then the internet is just beginning to happen. Since
there isn't much else to do I get a provider and play around with the
web some but nothing really appeals all that much. Until a couple
years later when someone I meet in a chatroom suggests how I might
like the Lila Squad.
What is the Lila Squad? I asked. Just check it out, he said. Well,
okay. So I did. And lo. They're discussing a book called Lila written
by the same author I read way back in 1974. I didn't realize he'd
written a second novel. So I bought it. Mass-market paperback. One of
my first purchases on Amazon but not the last. O.M.G. I was hooked all
over again. Only those folks in the Lila Squad, well, they were like,
smart. Not anything like me. All I knew how to do was talk smack. But
that didn't stop me. I finished reading Lila and jumped into the fray.
Some of the Lila Squad members were downright mean to me. You could
even say rude. Not that I could blame them what with them being all
college-educated and intelligent and doubtlessly used to going around
looking and smelling and speaking lots better than I did. Most of the
members ignored me. Again. Not that I could blame them. I mean,
really. But a few were actually nice to me. Like they might even think
I had something to say, though I pretty much figured they were simply
placating me. Still. It was something to hang my battered hat upon.
So if I remember right, things started getting better after that. Oh,
not all at once. There were still the blackouts and mornings when I'd
wake and whenever I looked my car wouldn't be in the driveway and I'd
have no idea how I got home and my wallet would be empty and these
strange babes would be lying in bed next to me but those mornings
seemed to draw out with more days between them than before. And then a
miracle happened. Honestly. It's the only way I can describe it.
Bodvar Skutvik wrote to say how Robert Pirsig had discovered the book
that Bo insisted I put together which I named Lila's Child and how he
was making notes on it. I was pretty sure Bo was having me on. Only he
swore how he wasn't. All of a sudden, a realization came over me. How
I might be able to put together a  real book. Me. A low-life no count
loser. So I asked Bo if he'd ask Robert Pirsig if he might want to
share those notes. You know. With me. And Bo said oh no. No way, dude.
Ain't gonna happen. Absolutely not. But next thing I know. Bo is
writing me saying how okay whenever you finish redoing the Lila's
Child manuscript (which I realized sadly needed doing) to send a copy
to Robert Pirsig and he'd take a look.
All of a sudden, I had a purpose. Thank you, Robert Pirsig.
Post by Horse
Hi All
Many of you will have heard by now that Robert Pirsig passed away on
Post by Horse
24th April 2017.
My apologies for not posting sooner.
If you wish to leave any thoughts about Mr Pirsig then please feel free
Post by Horse
post here.
My own thoughts are that I am proud to have helped, even in a small way,
Post by Horse
get Pirsig's message out to the world.
I know that he used to read our discussions on these lists and was
Post by Horse
that there were so many people involved over the years.
Robert Pirsig made a difference to our world and made it a better world
Post by Horse
his work and his presence.
I will miss him greatly.
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the
Post by Horse
that take our breath away."
— Bob Moorehead
Moq_Discuss mailing list
Listinfo, Unsubscribing etc.
Moq_Discuss mailing list
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Albert Mezistrano
2017-05-01 14:43:28 UTC
Hi all,
I'm planning on writing an article on aestheticism in the (Sephardic)
Jewish tradition. As a part of it, I plan on comparing it to an MoQ
perspective and pay a small tribute to Pirsig's life (to a crowd more or
less unfamiliar). Does anyone know where he discusses aestheticism? Would
you happen to have any quotes in mind?

Thank you, and may we all try to integrate a little more MoQ in our
everyday lives this month especially.

Post by Francisco Albano
Rest in peace RMP. You have helped me/us consider life and static patterns
of value/quality/worth, according to the standard of experienceable Dynamic
Quality. Ad altiora, you urge us, for greater service to our brothers and
sisters. . . .
"El Senor te bendiga y te guarde;
el Senor te mire con agrado y te extienda su amor;
el Senor te muestre su favor y te conceda la paz."
(Numeros 6:24-26)
On Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:00 PM, Adrie Kintziger <
Great words indeed , Dan,and it matters to write them.
And you did a great job to write and compile Lila's child.It is an
important addition.It is a privilege to have worked with Mr Pirsig himself,
even via multiple rounds of mails.Probably the amount of work to plough
along the archives was not to be underestimated.Equally important was the
not to change Pirsig toughts.You kept it intact along the path.
Very nice to hear that it induced you to become an author yourself.
Post by Dan Glover
I'm thinking how in 1974 I found this book with a funny title clinging
to one of those metal racks they used to store books on. You know. The
kind that you could spin around to see all of the titles available. Do
they still have them? Maybe they do. I hope so. I haven't been in a
bookstore for like the next thing to forever what with Amazon and all.
If I remember right I found the book in a grocery store by the
checkout aisle. A store that closed a long long time ago. That was
back before they had Walmarts and box stores on every corner and you'd
go down to the local neighborhood grocery and buy your milk and bread
and sometimes a book or two if you had enough money. I think it cost a
buck ninety five but can't remember for sure. Thereabouts, anyhow. It
was by an author I'd never heard of before and yeah I thought I could
well be wasting my money but the book called to me.
I spent the next week maybe two reading the book mostly while sitting
at a picnic table that sorely needed paint down at the park (under
majestic oak trees that would be uprooted the following year when an
F-5 tornado plowed through) over numerous bottles of cheap but
exceedingly potent wine and to say I was taken aback is a bit of a
misnomer. I'd up till that time read lots of books by many different
writers but absolutely none like that. The author seemed to be saying
something important but I couldn't quite say exactly what. Hell. I'd
never been to college. Never even finished high school. I had no way
of relating to what the author was going on about what with Aristotle
and Chautauquas and dripping faucets and yet I understood on some
visceral level that hey maybe there might just be more to life than
hanging out in bars and partying until the moon said goodnight and
consorting with others of low repute like me.
I'd like to say the book completely changed my life. How I mended my
wayward ways, quit drinking and partying, went back to school, and
made something of myself. Only I didn't. It didn't. The book. Someone
saw it sitting on my shelf one day and asked to borrow it and I said
here knowing I'd never get it back and how they wouldn't read it
because they thought it was about motorcycle maintenance and I knew it
wasn't. Instead, the years drifted by each one moving a little faster
than the last like maybe I was falling head first into an unseen black
hole and me getting stretched out a little more with every passing
moment and then one day I noticed whenever I started into reading the
obituaries, a morbid habit I do not recommend, about my old friends
one by one and how they ended their lives in pretty much the same
ignominious fashion. The obits always read how they lived their life
on their own terms and how they died doing what they loved. I wondered
if they really loved drowning in their own vomit all that much. I sort
of doubted it but hey. Who knows.
Then I wake up one morning with some biker-looking chick I never saw
before lying in bed beside me and I'm fairly sure if I lift the covers
and look she'll be naked because yep I am and there're empty gin and
whiskey and beer bottles strewn about the house interspersed with
cheap but potent and exceedingly empty wine bottles and me hung over
like a mofo as usual, head pounding stomach queasy eyes like
sandpaper, and it is 1995 and I'm forty-something instead of
twenty-something and when I stumble to the bathroom to puke and happen
to glance into the mirror to make sure I don't have any on me my beard
is no longer a crisp black but rapidly turning white and the same with
my hair. Just like that. It was like I blinked. And the people I used
to know are gone and I'm still living the same lame life only all the
people hanging in the bars are like my kids' age and I just don't fit
in any longer. So then the internet is just beginning to happen. Since
there isn't much else to do I get a provider and play around with the
web some but nothing really appeals all that much. Until a couple
years later when someone I meet in a chatroom suggests how I might
like the Lila Squad.
What is the Lila Squad? I asked. Just check it out, he said. Well,
okay. So I did. And lo. They're discussing a book called Lila written
by the same author I read way back in 1974. I didn't realize he'd
written a second novel. So I bought it. Mass-market paperback. One of
my first purchases on Amazon but not the last. O.M.G. I was hooked all
over again. Only those folks in the Lila Squad, well, they were like,
smart. Not anything like me. All I knew how to do was talk smack. But
that didn't stop me. I finished reading Lila and jumped into the fray.
Some of the Lila Squad members were downright mean to me. You could
even say rude. Not that I could blame them what with them being all
college-educated and intelligent and doubtlessly used to going around
looking and smelling and speaking lots better than I did. Most of the
members ignored me. Again. Not that I could blame them. I mean,
really. But a few were actually nice to me. Like they might even think
I had something to say, though I pretty much figured they were simply
placating me. Still. It was something to hang my battered hat upon.
So if I remember right, things started getting better after that. Oh,
not all at once. There were still the blackouts and mornings when I'd
wake and whenever I looked my car wouldn't be in the driveway and I'd
have no idea how I got home and my wallet would be empty and these
strange babes would be lying in bed next to me but those mornings
seemed to draw out with more days between them than before. And then a
miracle happened. Honestly. It's the only way I can describe it.
Bodvar Skutvik wrote to say how Robert Pirsig had discovered the book
that Bo insisted I put together which I named Lila's Child and how he
was making notes on it. I was pretty sure Bo was having me on. Only he
swore how he wasn't. All of a sudden, a realization came over me. How
I might be able to put together a real book. Me. A low-life no count
loser. So I asked Bo if he'd ask Robert Pirsig if he might want to
share those notes. You know. With me. And Bo said oh no. No way, dude.
Ain't gonna happen. Absolutely not. But next thing I know. Bo is
writing me saying how okay whenever you finish redoing the Lila's
Child manuscript (which I realized sadly needed doing) to send a copy
to Robert Pirsig and he'd take a look.
All of a sudden, I had a purpose. Thank you, Robert Pirsig.
Post by Horse
Hi All
Many of you will have heard by now that Robert Pirsig passed away on
Post by Horse
24th April 2017.
My apologies for not posting sooner.
If you wish to leave any thoughts about Mr Pirsig then please feel free
Post by Horse
post here.
My own thoughts are that I am proud to have helped, even in a small
Post by Dan Glover
Post by Horse
get Pirsig's message out to the world.
I know that he used to read our discussions on these lists and was
Post by Horse
that there were so many people involved over the years.
Robert Pirsig made a difference to our world and made it a better world
Post by Horse
his work and his presence.
I will miss him greatly.
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the
Post by Horse
that take our breath away."
— Bob Moorehead
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Adrie Kintziger
2017-05-01 19:29:59 UTC

Not so many people are fully aware of the aestethic form's in Mr Pirsigs
work.But they are there.Not as an aspect, but as a core theme.
It is however difficult to peel it out of the onion so to speak.
One needs background in philosophy, and a lot of comparative skills,
combined with a sharp mind. As i'm not a native speaker in English,i would
suggest to read the work of people with high profile skills in both
and aestetics.So i will provide a suggestion about a work of great
(it should be mandatory for Pirsig fan's),and mighty comparative skills.


One should be able to read it there, and it can be purchased.
It won't come cheap. Quality has a price.
To be clear this is the title.

' Tragic beauty in Whitehead and Japanese Aestetics.'
By Steve Odin. If you take a quick peak the pages from 123 en further
should be of interest to you.(And all Pirsig fan's).

I do not really know about Sephardic and other Jewish traditions.
But i live near Antwerp.,(30 min), and it is full of Jews there.
Diamont trade you know.

A bit more moq in our everyday's life.....if you read the book on the
provided link it will start coming naturally.

Post by Albert Mezistrano
Hi all,
I'm planning on writing an article on aestheticism in the (Sephardic)
Jewish tradition. As a part of it, I plan on comparing it to an MoQ
perspective and pay a small tribute to Pirsig's life (to a crowd more or
less unfamiliar). Does anyone know where he discusses aestheticism? Would
you happen to have any quotes in mind?
Thank you, and may we all try to integrate a little more MoQ in our
everyday lives this month especially.
Post by Francisco Albano
Rest in peace RMP. You have helped me/us consider life and static
Post by Francisco Albano
of value/quality/worth, according to the standard of experienceable
Post by Francisco Albano
Quality. Ad altiora, you urge us, for greater service to our brothers and
sisters. . . .
"El Senor te bendiga y te guarde;
el Senor te mire con agrado y te extienda su amor;
el Senor te muestre su favor y te conceda la paz."
(Numeros 6:24-26)
On Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:00 PM, Adrie Kintziger <
Great words indeed , Dan,and it matters to write them.
And you did a great job to write and compile Lila's child.It is an
important addition.It is a privilege to have worked with Mr Pirsig
Post by Francisco Albano
even via multiple rounds of mails.Probably the amount of work to plough
along the archives was not to be underestimated.Equally important was the
not to change Pirsig toughts.You kept it intact along the path.
Very nice to hear that it induced you to become an author yourself.
Post by Dan Glover
I'm thinking how in 1974 I found this book with a funny title clinging
to one of those metal racks they used to store books on. You know. The
kind that you could spin around to see all of the titles available. Do
they still have them? Maybe they do. I hope so. I haven't been in a
bookstore for like the next thing to forever what with Amazon and all.
If I remember right I found the book in a grocery store by the
checkout aisle. A store that closed a long long time ago. That was
back before they had Walmarts and box stores on every corner and you'd
go down to the local neighborhood grocery and buy your milk and bread
and sometimes a book or two if you had enough money. I think it cost a
buck ninety five but can't remember for sure. Thereabouts, anyhow. It
was by an author I'd never heard of before and yeah I thought I could
well be wasting my money but the book called to me.
I spent the next week maybe two reading the book mostly while sitting
at a picnic table that sorely needed paint down at the park (under
majestic oak trees that would be uprooted the following year when an
F-5 tornado plowed through) over numerous bottles of cheap but
exceedingly potent wine and to say I was taken aback is a bit of a
misnomer. I'd up till that time read lots of books by many different
writers but absolutely none like that. The author seemed to be saying
something important but I couldn't quite say exactly what. Hell. I'd
never been to college. Never even finished high school. I had no way
of relating to what the author was going on about what with Aristotle
and Chautauquas and dripping faucets and yet I understood on some
visceral level that hey maybe there might just be more to life than
hanging out in bars and partying until the moon said goodnight and
consorting with others of low repute like me.
I'd like to say the book completely changed my life. How I mended my
wayward ways, quit drinking and partying, went back to school, and
made something of myself. Only I didn't. It didn't. The book. Someone
saw it sitting on my shelf one day and asked to borrow it and I said
here knowing I'd never get it back and how they wouldn't read it
because they thought it was about motorcycle maintenance and I knew it
wasn't. Instead, the years drifted by each one moving a little faster
than the last like maybe I was falling head first into an unseen black
hole and me getting stretched out a little more with every passing
moment and then one day I noticed whenever I started into reading the
obituaries, a morbid habit I do not recommend, about my old friends
one by one and how they ended their lives in pretty much the same
ignominious fashion. The obits always read how they lived their life
on their own terms and how they died doing what they loved. I wondered
if they really loved drowning in their own vomit all that much. I sort
of doubted it but hey. Who knows.
Then I wake up one morning with some biker-looking chick I never saw
before lying in bed beside me and I'm fairly sure if I lift the covers
and look she'll be naked because yep I am and there're empty gin and
whiskey and beer bottles strewn about the house interspersed with
cheap but potent and exceedingly empty wine bottles and me hung over
like a mofo as usual, head pounding stomach queasy eyes like
sandpaper, and it is 1995 and I'm forty-something instead of
twenty-something and when I stumble to the bathroom to puke and happen
to glance into the mirror to make sure I don't have any on me my beard
is no longer a crisp black but rapidly turning white and the same with
my hair. Just like that. It was like I blinked. And the people I used
to know are gone and I'm still living the same lame life only all the
people hanging in the bars are like my kids' age and I just don't fit
in any longer. So then the internet is just beginning to happen. Since
there isn't much else to do I get a provider and play around with the
web some but nothing really appeals all that much. Until a couple
years later when someone I meet in a chatroom suggests how I might
like the Lila Squad.
What is the Lila Squad? I asked. Just check it out, he said. Well,
okay. So I did. And lo. They're discussing a book called Lila written
by the same author I read way back in 1974. I didn't realize he'd
written a second novel. So I bought it. Mass-market paperback. One of
my first purchases on Amazon but not the last. O.M.G. I was hooked all
over again. Only those folks in the Lila Squad, well, they were like,
smart. Not anything like me. All I knew how to do was talk smack. But
that didn't stop me. I finished reading Lila and jumped into the fray.
Some of the Lila Squad members were downright mean to me. You could
even say rude. Not that I could blame them what with them being all
college-educated and intelligent and doubtlessly used to going around
looking and smelling and speaking lots better than I did. Most of the
members ignored me. Again. Not that I could blame them. I mean,
really. But a few were actually nice to me. Like they might even think
I had something to say, though I pretty much figured they were simply
placating me. Still. It was something to hang my battered hat upon.
So if I remember right, things started getting better after that. Oh,
not all at once. There were still the blackouts and mornings when I'd
wake and whenever I looked my car wouldn't be in the driveway and I'd
have no idea how I got home and my wallet would be empty and these
strange babes would be lying in bed next to me but those mornings
seemed to draw out with more days between them than before. And then a
miracle happened. Honestly. It's the only way I can describe it.
Bodvar Skutvik wrote to say how Robert Pirsig had discovered the book
that Bo insisted I put together which I named Lila's Child and how he
was making notes on it. I was pretty sure Bo was having me on. Only he
swore how he wasn't. All of a sudden, a realization came over me. How
I might be able to put together a real book. Me. A low-life no count
loser. So I asked Bo if he'd ask Robert Pirsig if he might want to
share those notes. You know. With me. And Bo said oh no. No way, dude.
Ain't gonna happen. Absolutely not. But next thing I know. Bo is
writing me saying how okay whenever you finish redoing the Lila's
Child manuscript (which I realized sadly needed doing) to send a copy
to Robert Pirsig and he'd take a look.
All of a sudden, I had a purpose. Thank you, Robert Pirsig.
Post by Horse
Hi All
Many of you will have heard by now that Robert Pirsig passed away on
Post by Horse
24th April 2017.
My apologies for not posting sooner.
If you wish to leave any thoughts about Mr Pirsig then please feel
Post by Francisco Albano
Post by Dan Glover
Post by Horse
post here.
My own thoughts are that I am proud to have helped, even in a small
Post by Dan Glover
Post by Horse
get Pirsig's message out to the world.
I know that he used to read our discussions on these lists and was
Post by Horse
that there were so many people involved over the years.
Robert Pirsig made a difference to our world and made it a better
Post by Francisco Albano
Post by Dan Glover
Post by Horse
his work and his presence.
I will miss him greatly.
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the
Post by Horse
that take our breath away."
— Bob Moorehead
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Jan Anders Andersson
2017-05-01 21:18:00 UTC
Dear Albert

I think I have to repeat what I wrote earlier:

"Numbers as quality are quite seductive at the board and in the news but we shall never stop trusting the power of words, dialogue and common agreements.
He pointed at the work of the Swedish royal academy. The members at that board are not using numbers and measures or polls to find out the next winner of the Nobel prize. They are meeting nearly every thursday of the year and talk and talk to each other until they finally find an agreement.”

Real Quality (and aesthetics) takes time. "Time is a resource but the value behind the money is the SAVED time!” (Money and the art of losing Control ch 5.)

all the best

Jan-Anders Andersson
Post by Albert Mezistrano
Hi all,
I'm planning on writing an article on aestheticism in the (Sephardic)
Jewish tradition. As a part of it, I plan on comparing it to an MoQ
perspective and pay a small tribute to Pirsig's life (to a crowd more or
less unfamiliar). Does anyone know where he discusses aestheticism? Would
you happen to have any quotes in mind?
Thank you, and may we all try to integrate a little more MoQ in our
everyday lives this month especially.
Post by Francisco Albano
Rest in peace RMP. You have helped me/us consider life and static patterns
of value/quality/worth, according to the standard of experienceable Dynamic
Quality. Ad altiora, you urge us, for greater service to our brothers and
sisters. . . .
"El Senor te bendiga y te guarde;
el Senor te mire con agrado y te extienda su amor;
el Senor te muestre su favor y te conceda la paz."
(Numeros 6:24-26)
On Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:00 PM, Adrie Kintziger <
Great words indeed , Dan,and it matters to write them.
And you did a great job to write and compile Lila's child.It is an
important addition.It is a privilege to have worked with Mr Pirsig himself,
even via multiple rounds of mails.Probably the amount of work to plough
along the archives was not to be underestimated.Equally important was the
not to change Pirsig toughts.You kept it intact along the path.
Very nice to hear that it induced you to become an author yourself.
Post by Dan Glover
I'm thinking how in 1974 I found this book with a funny title clinging
to one of those metal racks they used to store books on. You know. The
kind that you could spin around to see all of the titles available. Do
they still have them? Maybe they do. I hope so. I haven't been in a
bookstore for like the next thing to forever what with Amazon and all.
If I remember right I found the book in a grocery store by the
checkout aisle. A store that closed a long long time ago. That was
back before they had Walmarts and box stores on every corner and you'd
go down to the local neighborhood grocery and buy your milk and bread
and sometimes a book or two if you had enough money. I think it cost a
buck ninety five but can't remember for sure. Thereabouts, anyhow. It
was by an author I'd never heard of before and yeah I thought I could
well be wasting my money but the book called to me.
I spent the next week maybe two reading the book mostly while sitting
at a picnic table that sorely needed paint down at the park (under
majestic oak trees that would be uprooted the following year when an
F-5 tornado plowed through) over numerous bottles of cheap but
exceedingly potent wine and to say I was taken aback is a bit of a
misnomer. I'd up till that time read lots of books by many different
writers but absolutely none like that. The author seemed to be saying
something important but I couldn't quite say exactly what. Hell. I'd
never been to college. Never even finished high school. I had no way
of relating to what the author was going on about what with Aristotle
and Chautauquas and dripping faucets and yet I understood on some
visceral level that hey maybe there might just be more to life than
hanging out in bars and partying until the moon said goodnight and
consorting with others of low repute like me.
I'd like to say the book completely changed my life. How I mended my
wayward ways, quit drinking and partying, went back to school, and
made something of myself. Only I didn't. It didn't. The book. Someone
saw it sitting on my shelf one day and asked to borrow it and I said
here knowing I'd never get it back and how they wouldn't read it
because they thought it was about motorcycle maintenance and I knew it
wasn't. Instead, the years drifted by each one moving a little faster
than the last like maybe I was falling head first into an unseen black
hole and me getting stretched out a little more with every passing
moment and then one day I noticed whenever I started into reading the
obituaries, a morbid habit I do not recommend, about my old friends
one by one and how they ended their lives in pretty much the same
ignominious fashion. The obits always read how they lived their life
on their own terms and how they died doing what they loved. I wondered
if they really loved drowning in their own vomit all that much. I sort
of doubted it but hey. Who knows.
Then I wake up one morning with some biker-looking chick I never saw
before lying in bed beside me and I'm fairly sure if I lift the covers
and look she'll be naked because yep I am and there're empty gin and
whiskey and beer bottles strewn about the house interspersed with
cheap but potent and exceedingly empty wine bottles and me hung over
like a mofo as usual, head pounding stomach queasy eyes like
sandpaper, and it is 1995 and I'm forty-something instead of
twenty-something and when I stumble to the bathroom to puke and happen
to glance into the mirror to make sure I don't have any on me my beard
is no longer a crisp black but rapidly turning white and the same with
my hair. Just like that. It was like I blinked. And the people I used
to know are gone and I'm still living the same lame life only all the
people hanging in the bars are like my kids' age and I just don't fit
in any longer. So then the internet is just beginning to happen. Since
there isn't much else to do I get a provider and play around with the
web some but nothing really appeals all that much. Until a couple
years later when someone I meet in a chatroom suggests how I might
like the Lila Squad.
What is the Lila Squad? I asked. Just check it out, he said. Well,
okay. So I did. And lo. They're discussing a book called Lila written
by the same author I read way back in 1974. I didn't realize he'd
written a second novel. So I bought it. Mass-market paperback. One of
my first purchases on Amazon but not the last. O.M.G. I was hooked all
over again. Only those folks in the Lila Squad, well, they were like,
smart. Not anything like me. All I knew how to do was talk smack. But
that didn't stop me. I finished reading Lila and jumped into the fray.
Some of the Lila Squad members were downright mean to me. You could
even say rude. Not that I could blame them what with them being all
college-educated and intelligent and doubtlessly used to going around
looking and smelling and speaking lots better than I did. Most of the
members ignored me. Again. Not that I could blame them. I mean,
really. But a few were actually nice to me. Like they might even think
I had something to say, though I pretty much figured they were simply
placating me. Still. It was something to hang my battered hat upon.
So if I remember right, things started getting better after that. Oh,
not all at once. There were still the blackouts and mornings when I'd
wake and whenever I looked my car wouldn't be in the driveway and I'd
have no idea how I got home and my wallet would be empty and these
strange babes would be lying in bed next to me but those mornings
seemed to draw out with more days between them than before. And then a
miracle happened. Honestly. It's the only way I can describe it.
Bodvar Skutvik wrote to say how Robert Pirsig had discovered the book
that Bo insisted I put together which I named Lila's Child and how he
was making notes on it. I was pretty sure Bo was having me on. Only he
swore how he wasn't. All of a sudden, a realization came over me. How
I might be able to put together a real book. Me. A low-life no count
loser. So I asked Bo if he'd ask Robert Pirsig if he might want to
share those notes. You know. With me. And Bo said oh no. No way, dude.
Ain't gonna happen. Absolutely not. But next thing I know. Bo is
writing me saying how okay whenever you finish redoing the Lila's
Child manuscript (which I realized sadly needed doing) to send a copy
to Robert Pirsig and he'd take a look.
All of a sudden, I had a purpose. Thank you, Robert Pirsig.
Post by Horse
Hi All
Many of you will have heard by now that Robert Pirsig passed away on
Post by Horse
24th April 2017.
My apologies for not posting sooner.
If you wish to leave any thoughts about Mr Pirsig then please feel free
Post by Horse
post here.
My own thoughts are that I am proud to have helped, even in a small
Post by Dan Glover
Post by Horse
get Pirsig's message out to the world.
I know that he used to read our discussions on these lists and was
Post by Horse
that there were so many people involved over the years.
Robert Pirsig made a difference to our world and made it a better world
Post by Horse
his work and his presence.
I will miss him greatly.
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the
Post by Horse
that take our breath away."
— Bob Moorehead
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mark maxwell
2017-04-27 08:22:49 UTC
My heart goes out to Mr. Pirsig’s family at this time having lost a Husband, Father, and friend.

Thank you Mr. Pirsig for your inspiring creativity.
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